
Hey everyone!

I'm kind of between projects at this point.  The sketchbook I've been using for the Zoo is all filled up, so I think I'll leave that series where it is for now.  I haven't quite decided what is coming next, but I'm still around, so keep checking back!



Hothin from the planet Jeol partially bury their eggs in the ground to keep them safe.  Predators have to spend time digging the eggs out to steal them - the shells are too hard to penetrate before the parents notice what is happening.  Fast runners, hothin can easily chase down the small mammals the make up their diets.


Skarl are ferocious beasts.  They live solitary lives, only meeting in groups to mate once a lifetime.  Their long saber teeth and sharp horns can gorge just about any prey they desire.  The howl of the skarl can be heard at night, and is one of the most frightening sounds of the Homar landscape.
